Here's your playbill for today's — and probably tonight's —historic activities (we should hope).

I will be updating it with more resources throughout the day.


"This is our moment." — President Barack Obama, 3/20/2010

Live Coverage

C-Span — Will be streaming the events all day, starting at 12:00 noon

Guides and Info


People to Follow on Twitter

  • @kagrox — David Waldman, from Congress Matters.  And expert on the messy sausage making of democracy
  • @karoli — As close to a citizen expert as we have on #HCR
  • @noetical — Always the purveyor of awesome.
  • @ezraklein — Washington Post blogger, who may know even more about #HCR than @Karoli (but isn't as cute).
  • @rkref  — He cuts through the clutter, and enjoys knowing where the bodies are buried.
  • @markos — Daily Kos founder. With and wisdom from the right side of the aisle (a.k.a. left side).
  • @bradbaumn — Sunlight's communication director, and an expert on District ditherings.
  • @markknoller — CBS White House Correspondent
  • @shoq —  Some chucklehead. Sometimes good for a chuckle.
  • @lizzWinstead  — because she's a lot fucking funnier than you are.
  • @nationalLampoon — It's a pretty funny feed, lately. A new editor, I hear!
  • @sanuzis — Saul Anuzis, Republican operative. Follow the #gopFail! 
  • @ewerickson — Soon to be next president of the Conservative News Network (CNN)


"The Speech"

President Obama's eloquent speech on why the time for health care reform is now. No notes. No teleprompter. Just vintage Barack Obama.

"I am bound to be true."

Must see.

It has taken 50 year to get this far, and thousands of people have spent hundreds of thousands of man hours getting us this far.

Please take ONE HOUR of your time and:

  • Make calls.  They ALWAYS make a difference. Teaparty  has been inundating these representatives with NO calls.
  • Send Emails. See below for how to easily (and not so easily ) send emails. Remember, most click-to-send systems will only list your own reps. We want to lean on everyone's Reps.

You MUST urge them to VOTE YES on Health Care Reform

Representative Phone (D.C. Office) Phone (District) Fax November HCR Vote
Brian Baird (WA 3) 202-225-3536 360-695-6292 202-225-3478 NO
Rick Boucher (VA 9) 202-225-3861 276-628-1145 202-225-0442 NO
Jerry F. Costello (IL12) 202-225-5661 618-233-8026 202-225-0285 YES
Kathy Dahlkemper (PA 3) 202-225-5406 814-456-2038 202-225-3103 YES
Lincoln Davis (TN 4) 202-225-6831 931-490-8699 202-226-5172 NO
Joe Donnelly (IN 2) 202-225-3915 574-288-2780 202-225-6798 YES
Steve Driehaus (OHIO 1) 202-225-2216 513-684-2723 202-225-3012 YES
Marcy Kaptur (OH 9) 202-225-4146 419-255-9623 202-225-7711 YES
Daniel Lipinski (IL 3) 202-225-5701 312-886-0481 202-225-1012 YES
Jim Matheson (UT 2) 202-225-3011 801-486-1236 202-225-5638 NO
Alan B. Mollohan (WVA 1) 202-225-4172 304-623-4422 202-225-7564 YES
Glenn Nye (VA 2) 202-225-4215 757-326-6201 202-225-4218 NO
Earl Pomeroy (ND) 202-225-2611 701-224-0355 202-226-0893 YES
Bart Stupak (MI 1) 202-225-4735 989-356-0690 202-225-4744 YES
John Tanner (TN) 202-225-4714 731-423-4848 202-225-1765 NO
Joseph Cao (LA) 202-225-6636 504-483-2325 202-225-1988 Yes
Nick Rahall (WVA) 202-225-3452 304-252-5000   Yes

Please reload this page often to see changes that may come throughout the weekend.

A special thanks to @Misha44_ and @Watergatesummer for their help maintaining this list.



We have learned that many representatives are now only accepting emails through their websites. So everyone should use plan A below, to bulk send to some, and if you have the time, plan B for sending to everyone else.

Email Plan A: Bulk email to Reps that still accept email

Click this link, to send to the Reps indicated. For others, you must use Plan2 below.

Click here to email text below to these Representatives (or their Chiefs of Staff

  • Alan B. Mollohan (WVA) Brian Baird (WA 3)   
  • Earl Pomeroy (ND) 
  • Nick Rahall (WVA)
  • Scott Schloege (Bart Stupak)
  • Bob Siggins (Earl Pomeroy)
  • Tina Mengine (Kathy Dahlkemper)
  • Beecher Fraiser (Lincoln Davis)
  • Chad Causey (Marion Berry)
  • Becky Coleman (Rick Boucher)
  • Greg Mecher (Steve Driehaus)


LETTER: Please Vote YES on H.R. 4872: Stop Discrimination Against the Sick.

Dear Representative:

I'm writing to tell you why I'm such a strong supporter of health reform. With 51 million uninsured and the number growing daily, we can't afford to wait any longer. Too many Americans live in dire fear of getting sick. Businesses suffer, people suffer, and people die. American competitiveness around the world is at risk. 

Holding the future of our health care hostage for raw political gain is just wrong. Failing to right this wrong for fear of jeopardizing your own political future is cowardly. Please vote for health care reform and stop the immoral discrimination against the sick. 

Vote YES on H.R. 4872: The Reconciliation Act of 2010. 

Thank you.




Email PlanB: Reps. only accepting mail on their websites

Find a Rep here here HR4872

Obviously, you can skip the names included in PlanA above. Paste the text from letter above into form.


Partisan Crashers: CNN Knows What It's Getting with Erickson

Make no mistake, CNN knows exactly what it's getting with Erickson — and it wants just that. Sam Feist's a spectacularly pompous ass, and his fingerprints are all over this hire; as much as I'd love to wind up eating my words, I can't imagine a scenario in which a blogger uprising from the left would make Feist and CNN reconsider putting Erickson on the air. In fact, they're probably enjoying the immediate rush of attention that they'd counted on all along.

Huffpo's comments are limited to 250 words. That just wasn't enough room, so I posted some of this there, and linked back here. I hope they post it. Obviously, you should read it before continuing.


As one of the more visible of those "left leaning" partisan crashers on Twitter, inundating CNN with "bloodthirsty outrage," I am amused by the sheer volume of words you have just expended, basically saying "Oh, those CNN boys will be boys?"

 Are you so cynical from your years helping these unwholesome whores, that you simply roll over and let them fail or succeed with their gambit without even a token cry of outrage or resistance?  Do you think you're educating us by telling us that they knew full well what the reaction would be to hiring Erickson? That was obvious from the first tweet from Sam Feist, and the cover fire he'd already arranged with his troopers like Ed Henry, who were armed with the corporate talking points before the words hit the first browser.

Your screed is precisely the kind of droll, oh-so-worldly, inside baseball acquiescence to what these concorporate tools do, that gave us Lou Dobbs, Glenn Beck, and Michelle Malkin in the first place. In 2005, FAIR captured Jon Klein admitting how predictable such muted, weak-kneed reactions from the left have become.

Almost as if bragging about how silly it is to not understand the ratings rationales of the big boys, you sound far too willing to just accept—with nary a word of objection—one of the more influential conservative voices on the web as a regular co-host, just before the most important midterm election of our lifetimes.  And If you think they  hired Erickson just to pilfer a few Fox ratings points, you are more politically naive than he is homophobic. 

Erickson is not "some blogger." Redstate, Human Events, and their parent, are linchpins of a very well oiled GOP message machine that is now cross-connected with a dizzying array of social networks that reach all the way down to the school board level.  All this new Ministry of Untruth needs is a visible minister up there in the pulpit each day.  By allowing CNN to put one of the functioning heads of that machine on TV every night is almost inviting electoral genocide in November. They could only get a more strident and dedicated mouth organ if Rush Limbaugh or David Koch took the job.

Your tone suggests you're almost looking forward to this, as if your media and country were a game, put out there for your snarky-good entertainment value. But on your blog, you also "kind of like Andrew Breitbart," another low-life partisan demagogue doing his level best to wreck democracy while he profits from selling the poison seeds of its demise. Perhaps it wasn't your intent, but that doesn't matter.  You're far too cavalier about sitting up on the hill, from a distance, and watching yet another preventable train wreck happen before our national eyes. My gut tells me you probably have health insurance.

CNN and it's legions of modestly talented pseudo-journalists, and the flaming blowhards like Breitbart and Erickson are not our biggest problem. It's the progressive hand wringers, and oh-so "in the know" insiders, blithely accepting the indignities forced upon us each day, who support and empower the evil that these men and women do to us, our spirit, our nation, and our future.

Instead of pretending you know so much about what motivates the people who once put food in your mouth, why don't you turn your skilled pen toward writing something that exposes what they do—in detail—so others are better armed to combat them, now, and in the future.

You may really enjoy this media meltdown, sliding another steaming heap of corporate re-manufactured slime another few feet down our throats each week.  But some of us have had more than enough of it.