After months of whining, backstabbing, and sniveling by people who think bashing Obama is the best way to redirect America on a progressive path, the result has been a demoralized and disaffected electorate that is easy polemical pickins for the malicious fascists who got us into this mess.

We have 48 hours to not just save the Health Care bill, but probably the future of this country.  By November, the momentum from a Coakley loss will so fire up the blind, deaf, and far too dumb fascist scumbags in the TeaGOP, that many progressives  will be cursing the day they ever let a little impatience and disappointment with Obama be fashioned into an outright apathy orgy.

Just smarten the fuck up, liberals. After 30 years of neglecting politics, and cashing the checks from our corporate paymasters, we have built ourselves one rickety, piece-of- shit  bus heading for a train-wreck of a future.  Blaming the elected bus driver for that collective #FAIL is just immature and self destructive.  We should be working with the driver we elected, and forcing him to do (much) better. We should not be walking off the bus and stepping into heavy traffic.  The GOP is an 18 wheeler with most of the media, money, and power behind its rolling thunder.  If you think we stop that juggernaut with Kumbaya elections every few years, you're in need of reeducation summer camp.  But it's winter, and we haven't got the time for that.

2008 was ONE election.  If someone believed that one election could redirect all these years of abuse, then THEY are the real problem.  Obama was given one of the worst set of conditions that any president has ever inherited. And selling him short before he can fix any of it, is just inviting the GOP to come back to power and fuck us so far up the ass you'll need to gargle with battery acid to rid yourself of the taste.

Regardless of what got us here, we have to tread water until progressives can hope for enough good developments that we can undo some of the Fox-fed hysteria about government, health care, and most of the disasters the GOP has left for Democrats to pay for.  But that's going to take a long time. In the meantime, you can help by spending the next two days…

VOLUNTEERING FOR COAKLEY.  If you haven't done anything until now, this is your chance to make a difference.

Organizing For America If not a member, sign-up. You will find phone scripts and all sorts of tips for how you can help.  — More specific ways you can volunteer, including of course, donations.